
发布人:张翠翠 发布时间:2019-01-28 来源:中国中化




        1月22日上午,作为主要研讨嘉宾,宁高宁出席“构建新型市场架构”公开会议,与黑石集团董事长苏世明(Stephen A. Schwarzman)、美国银行董事长布莱恩·莫伊尼汉(Brian T. Moynihan)、谷歌高级副总裁兼CFO露丝·波拉特(Ruth Porat)等嘉宾共话未来全球市场面临的机遇与挑战。










        China is still a relatively young economy. In most sectors, the size of business is still very fragmented. To put all these fragmented business, to consolidate them and to organize them into large scale companies still happens in investment model today. We don’t see too many of too big companies as monopolies. We experience in a lot of sectors that consolidation creates value. If you visit china today and drink a beer, you’ll find the beer quality is dramatically improved, only because there are merely four beer companies today. But, twenty years ago, there were 1,000 beer companies. Now there’s still competition. Today, we’re in agricultural service business. Again this sector is fragmented: the size of farms is small; service companies are very small; so is the case with research, efficiency and other different kinds of things. We need sizable companies. Until today, the sector reorganizes or consolidate into a few, not monopoly, maybe oligopolies type of business where two or three companies still compete. These sizable business provide support to research and development.








        it is very much up to what kind of market you want to focus on. If you focus on more North American or European market, you have to have that scale to cover that scale. So I don’t think any investment from company like us are driven by scale in the very beginning. We’ll be driven by market, natural resources, technology, brand, management, competiveness and other things. So it is a business model, you have to operate if you want to survive even only in China, because China is market relatively open today and you face competition all the time. You can’t really build a company in relatively small territory to be able to survive globally. It is a natural process, you have to go soon.








        you know what’s happening today. So there will be less investment going abroad. I think the Chinese are getting quite confused. On their thought, they are welcome to invest in other countries, but now they realize they are not welcomed all the time. So that’s ok. Chinese economy built up in the last three or four decades by welcoming investment from all over the world, so they got a natural mentality that investment would be welcomed anywhere in the world. It may not be the case today that we can see. But it is much about globalization issue, there are a lot of things we can talk about. But today is a market issue.








        I think Mr. Schwarzman figured it out completely already. I want to add one point from my own experience. Today company can be bigger and easier to be managed by using digital technology. For two reasons, one is data, information, communication and everything becomes so easy. So you do not have to have these conferences, meetings all the time. The top management of every company in China get the Wechat type of group. You can continue to 24 hours meeting every day and it never stops. Secondly, because of that technology, you can easily build the eco-system with more synergy. In the past we tried to focus on one business. Today we can go and explore the next value chain. Only because technology brings us there. In particular, Google is an example. all Chinese company like Alibaba, Tencent are very big. It is kind of organic growth in two different areas because of technology.




        1月22日晚,宁高宁应邀出席“中国商业之夜”活动(China Business Night)并作主旨演讲。宁高宁表示,中国在许多方面遇到了外界不同程度的误读,比如一些人在没有任何数据和资料支撑的情况下指责中国国有企业享有特殊的补贴或银行贷款支持以及中国存在强制技术转让的情况,这些都不符合基本的商业逻辑,也完全背离中国的实际情况。如何加强中国与外界的互信,消除外界对中国错误的既定认识是目前各方共同面临的形势,这是中国与外界彼此开展沟通和加强理解的前提和基础。



        1月23日下午,作为主要研讨嘉宾,宁高宁出席中国商会会议(China Business Council Meeting),同与会嘉宾共同探讨中国企业的全球化角色、路径和影响。宁高宁认为,全球化是企业实现增长的路径和商业模式,它是个经济议题而不是意识形态。同时,全球化也带来了一定负面影响,造成了一些程度的贫富分化,全球化没有普惠所有人,但可能有90%的人都从中获益了。中国企业“走出去”和全球化的过程始于原材料和大宗商品贸易。人们从买回原材料进行粗加工,逐渐将业务扩展到国外,将国内外业务结合起来。现在由于监管严格、融资困难、管理等各种原因,去北美或欧洲收购企业也很困难。面对这种形势和环境变化,涉及海外业务的中国企业在经营中应当更加小心谨慎,做好充分的克服困难和处理问题的准备。此外,未来3到5年,中国将继续深化改革开放,这是数代中国人的决心和想法。


        本次WEF年会期间,宁高宁出席了开幕式及中国国家领导人专场会议,聆听了国家副主席王歧山的特别致辞和现场答问。此外,宁高宁应邀出席WEF管理层见面会、出席国际工商委员会2019冬季主题讨论会、比尔·盖茨与全球农化行业巨头对话会、化工和高端材料行业治理会议等闭门会议,并分别会见了汇丰控股董事长Mark Tucker、瑞士信贷董事长Urs Rohner、力拓集团CEO Jean-Sébastien Jacques、拜耳公司CEO Werner Baumann、CVC资本联合董事长Steve Koltes,与各方围绕全球经济和行业形势、公司经营发展战略和相互合作等议题进行了富有成效的探讨。