China-France Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum 2024 and Second CISCE France Roadshow Made a Success

dingxiaonan / 2024-06-22

The China-France Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum 2024 and the Second China International Supply Chain Expo (CISCE) France Roadshow took place in Paris on June 21, local time, during the visit of a delegation of Chinese entrepreneurs led by Ren Hongbin, Chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), to France. Ren, together with Jean-Pierre Raffarin, former Prime Minister of France and President of the Prospective and Innovation Foundation, Caroline Penard, General Manager at the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China (CCI France Chine), Xiao Liang, President of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry in France (CCICF), and André Chieng, Vice President of the France-China Committee, attended and addressed the event.

Ren Hongbin pointed out that President Xi Jinping’s recent successful state visit to France and the in-depth strategic communication between the two heads of state on major and pressing issues steer and navigate the bilateral relationship, which is of far-reaching significance. China and France have extensive converging interests and enjoy strong economic complementarity. The list of success stories of the two achieving win-win outcomes through supply chain collaboration is endless. As the builder and beneficiary of China-France relations, the business community expected enterprises of the two countries to give full play to their respective advantages, tap the vast potential of mutually beneficial cooperation, and make the pie of common interests bigger. Ren welcomed more French enterprises to actively participate in the second CISCE to boost China-France supply chain cooperation and jointly build a stable and smooth global supply chain.

Raffarin emphasized that since the establishment of diplomatic relations 60 years ago, China and France have maintained close exchanges and cooperation. Countless French enterprises have invested and set up factories in China, setting good examples of bilateral economic and trade cooperation. Despite differences between Chinese and French cultures, the two countries will continue enhancing mutual understanding and trust and contribute more to world economic development. 

Under the current international situation, it is more important than ever to maintain the stability and openness of the global industrial and supply chains and to step up international economic and trade exchanges and cooperation, said Caroline Penard. The CCI France Chine will mobilize more French enterprises and organizations to participate in the second CISCE to further foster cooperation and innovation between the two countries.

During the event, representatives of Chinese and French enterprises shared cases of cooperation in industrial and supply chains. They conducted discussions and exchanges around two themes, namely, reinforcing collaboration between Chinese and French economic and trade institutions to strengthen the service network for businesses, and advancing China-France industrial cooperation to ensure a stable and unimpeded supply chain. The China International Exhibition Center Group Limited promoted the second CISCE and signed agreements with relevant French institutions and enterprises. Nearly 300 representatives from Chinese and French enterprises attended the event.

The second CISCE is scheduled to be held in Beijing from November 26 to 30, 2024. It features exhibition areas for six supply chains, namely, Advanced Manufacturing, Smart Vehicle, Green Agriculture, Clean Energy, Digital Technology, and Healthy Life, and a Supply Chain Service area. The preparations are progressing well. Chinese and foreign enterprises are actively signing up for the event.